Boatshare Customer Testimonials 2021

Boatshare shares 2021

January 2021: I confirm that the share in DXXXXXXX has been sold.  Seen by buyer on your website initially but they then followed up via (management company). Without your site I doubt they would have spotted it. The reverse layout was apparently the main clincher to the sale. 

January 2021: Just to let you know e have now sold the boat. If you could update the site that would be great. Many thanks for your help with this we are still getting plenty of interest so I imagine the current demand is high.

February 2021: Could I please ask you to take the XXXXXX share off the market. It is sold. Just to let you know I had 4 people interested. The person that bought it contacted me in the first few days. Thanks for all your help.

February 2021: Hello Philip, I’m delighted to tell you that I have sold my share,  for the asking price, on the basis of a ten percent deposit received, until final payment on 6th February.
February 2021: Just to let you know that I have sold my share in MXXXX, so you can remove it from the website, many thanks for your help....definitely sold as a result of your website.... many thanks, regards, Simon.

March 2021: Could you please take down my advert for my share in IXXXX. It sold ages ago but I am still getting emails enquiring about 
it. All the best. Andrew

March 2021: Rodbaston - details to follow (never did - but the site did sell the share)

March 2021: Just to let you know that XXXX was sold for the asking price today so can you take the advert down, please? Thank you for your speedy service. I will recommend it it to anyone who wants to sell their boat. 

I had 6 enquiries altogether (within hours of each other) and 3 made an offer at the asking price (one even tried to gazzump the others but I had already agreed the sale!) One person tried to offer me half the value and there went into a rant and swore at me when I told him it was sold at the asking price. Not someone you want on your books, I shouldn't think.

March 2021: Good morning Thanks to this advert on your website my share in NB XXXXX is now sold. Many thanks.

April 2021: Hi Phil just to let you know that we have sold XXXX share and could you please remove maximus from your mailing list
Thank you for all your help....the share was sold as a direct result of are advert and your advertising on your website.

April 2021: I am happy to say that the advert definitely did the trick and my share in XXXX has been sold, so only took 2 weeks which is impressive and a testament to your website's ability to attract the right buyers. Please can you remove the advert from the site at your earliest convenience. Thanks for your help 

April 2021: I have recently sold my share in XXXXXXX so wish to take my ad down now. I sold this share and a half share through you and I’m very pleased with the service you offer.

April 2021: Just to let you know that sale of share in XXXXXX to XXX XXXXXXX is proceeding

April 2021: Through the advert on your Boatshare website, we sold both of our weeks yesterday. Please could you remove the advert from the website. There has certainly been a fair amount of interest in these shares at the lower end of the market and in total we must have had 10 to 12 enquiries. Many thanks for your help and I wish you all the best as you continue to provide this website for buying and sell boat shares.

(This is one I did not "Claim": The boat was sold by the managing agents. In fact the purchaser went to see another boat at Aqueduct Marina but preferred XXXXX. In saying that I had a magnificent response to the Boatshare advert (about 9 altogether) including one yesterday. At least 6 of these requested I keep them informed of the sale progression. So if I did it again I would use your website.)

April 2021: Great news - I have managed to sell my share on XXXXX - thanks entirely to the listing on your site. Thanks a lot

(Not claimed as unsure: We sold the share in XXXX, so please remove the ad from Boatshare.  Many thanks for your help.

April 2021: We have sold the share in CXXXXX so another success - thank-you. Would you take the advert down now.

April 2021: Just wanted to let you know we have completed on the sale of EXXXXXXX on the Norfolk Broads. Would you please remove our advert. The buyer came through from your site and viewed as soon as we came out of lockdown. Thanks for your help with the advert and promotion on our behalf. Kind regards

May 2021: I have sold my share in XXX thanks to your advertisement. I had so many enquiries I passed them on and they bought other shares. You can take the advert down now......well done to you and your advertising,  left to the boat management company it may never have been sold. If I ever want to venture into boat ownership again I would definitely use your platform.

May 2021: We sold the share in January but other shareholders may be selling so I left the advert running & refer any interested parties on.....

May 2021: I have a potential buyer. It looks as if it’s going through, we’re due to complete end of May and he’s paid a deposit so I guess it’s ok to remove my ad Many thanks


May 2021:  Hi Philip, Apologies for not writing sooner. To be honest I've been run off my feet showing people the ins and outs of operating my boat. I'm pretty much fully booked with experienced boaters thanks to your advert and mailing list. I think the money I invested in your advert is probably the best £50.00 I've ever spent. And you can quote me on that!  I've sold 9 Shares and I'm booked up for 15 weeks between now and October. So, I'm near to being sold out on what is going to be a short season. All the Best (also see June 2021)

May 2021: Just to say - no need to put XXXX on your mailing list, the share sold within 3 hours ........the buyer was watching your website and the sale definitely came from that. Anyway I hadn't made any other attempt at sale other than an internal notice, and the buyer isn't already a syndicate member.

May 2021.  Hi Philip, subject to a bit of paperwork we have agreed a sale of the share. In fact they got in touch withing 12 hours of the ad going live and they basically said "how do we pay you" !!!! So a fantastic result, Since then I've received at least 7 other interested emails/telephone calls. So clearly a sellers' market at the moment. I've made then aware of the position and will contact them all again once finalised. Once I know its all signed & sealed I contact you to "remove" the Ad. Once again, thank you. Great Service.

May 2021:   must admit I'm gobsmacked at the response that there's been to the advert on the website - the best part of a dozen people - the majority, I suspect, thanks to the email that you sent about the share.  Very compelling.  I'm amazed at the number of people who said that they'd buy without even seeing the boat! The first person who rang has paid a deposit and will be having a look on 25th June (the earliest date that we both could arrange) so, hopefully, I'll be in touch shortly after that asking you to remove the advert.  Fingers crossed!

May 2021: Our share sale has finally completed so please can you remove the advert?  We were so pleased that we placed our share sale ad. with Boatshare. You were very helpful initially with crafting the ad. and suggestions as to what info to include. We had lots of interest and very recently could probably have sold the share 4 times over. I would definitely recommend Boatshare to others. Many thanks. 

June 2021: I have now sold my share in XXX XXXXX so I presume you will remove the advert from your site. Thank you for your help & advice  in selling XXX XXXX

June 2021: (See May 2021) Hi Philip, I can't find enough words to express how successful your advert and circulars for the sale of shares and Summer bookings for XXXXXX XXXXX. I am fully booked for this Summer and have a healthy waiting list of experienced boaters keen to be informed of any furure gaps in my booking schedule. 

I think it's now time to take the advert down as I can't see me being able to accommodate any more potential shareholders in the near future......if there's anything I can do to promote your service just let me know what it is and it will be done. Once again thank you very much. All the Best (This constitutes another 5 shares sold over the 9 above)

June 2021: Thank you for allowing me to use Boatshare to advertise XXXXXX for weeks 19+20. As of today, I have sold the shares and therefore will need the advert to be removed, please.....I was contacted by 4 interested buyers and ended up selling to 1 of them. I believe your email got the ball rolling pretty quickly.

June 2021: Just to confirm our conversation of this morning to say our shares in  LXXXXX have sold thanks to your excellent site.
Many thanks for all your help.

June 2021: Thanks for all your help.  We are concluding the sale of our share today. Please remove our share from your site, as we have been inundated with calls and emails. We will of course, reply to everyone who has contacted us. Thanks again for the great service.
(This share was sold in one day)

June 2021: Your advertisement was very effective. We have had a very strong response and have now accepted a deposit from one interested party. Could you please take our ad down. Should the sale fall through I will contact you to request a reinstatement of the ad.

Thank you very much for your service.

June 2021:  The sale of the share in SXXXX was completed yesterday, so please remove the details from your website. As I said in my previous email, I was amazed at the response when you emailed your list, particularly the number of people who said that they'd buy the share (or so they said!) without even seeing the boat.  I guess, with lockdown, it's a good time to be trying to sell a share. Many thanks for everything you did to make the details on the web so attractive. All the best.

July - December 2021

July 2021: I think the mail shot worked. I have had 4 serious contacts and have accepted an offer with a 30% deposit paid as a down payment. Can you remove the add or write sold. Not sure of your procedures. So many thanks another satisfied customer here. I will be selling my share in XXX in a couple of years time - If you are still trading (I will be!)  I'll be back.

August 2021: As you are probably aware, the "nibble" turned into a bite! We have now sold our Share in XXXX to XXXXX so you can now remove the advert from the website. Many thanks for your assistance with ensuring the transaction was concluded smoothly by providing reassurance to both parties. All the best.

August 2021: Hi Philip, The sale in now complete! Thanks again - Great Job!

August 2021: ...the share was sold as a result of your advert, for the full asking price. We are now looking for our next share. I think I've registered for your regular email shot

August 2021: I am pleased to advise you that my share in XXXXX has been sold for the asking price. The response to the advert was fantastic. Ten phone calls or e-mails making enquiries. Can I thank you for the way the boat was presented and your attention to detail and promptness in getting the advert displayed. 

August 2021: The advert worked brilliantly, thanks, I had two enquiries before the mail shot, and four more on the day, one of which was a commitment to buy the share (though they wanted to see NB Somerton to make sure they weren't being scammed). They viewed [the boat] on the Friday, and I did the paperwork on the Friday afternoon. We exchanged payment for the key at Crick on Sunday! (I live in Norfolk, they live in Devon and the boat is in Warwickshire...) Thank you for your website and the mail shot.

August 2021: Thank you for the advert.  We have now sold our share, so could you please remove the advert we inserted last month. ...sold to the second person who contacted us and they offered £500 more than we asked.  Plus we have had lots and lots of interest.

September 2021: Am pleased to tell you that our share in XXXXXX has been sold, so perhaps you can remove the advert from the site.
I wish to express my thanks for your help in selling, not only my share but others for which I was requested to participate. My kindest regards,

October 2021: I’m pleased to advise you that we sold our share in DXXXXXX last week. This I know, based upon the level of enquires we’ve received post the Boatshare advert appearing upon your website, was in very large measure down to your website; thank you. I would therefore be grateful if you could please remove our Dawn Treader advert from your website.

November 2021: Many thanks for your efforts on our behalf - we have today sold our share in XXXXXX for the asking price.

November 2021: Boatshare: I am aware that two share in a new scheme have sold off the site

December 2021: I sold the share in XXXX yesterday, thanks. BTW I did not get a chance to take any new photo's, the buyer was in a bit of a rush, and he had already left with the boat key, so I could not get back in.....the sale was the result of the advert with you, I had four people queuing up to buy it.

December 2021: I can advise you that the share in NB XXXXX has now been sold.  I could have sold the share twice over and your website was instrumental in both those enquiries. Thank you for your assistance.

December 2021: Hi there - just to let you know that the share has now sold. Best £50 investment ever

59 shares sold in 2021 so far

see more Boatshare testimonials

You can see testimonials from 2020 here.
NB Dawn Chorus