Narrow Boat Share | Kindred Spirit

Narrow Boat Share For Sale

there is a share for sale on


Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit

General information

Type of schemePrivate
(But run by Principal Shareholder)
Nominal number of sharersN/A 
Year of build2002
Home mooring (2023)Sowerby Bridge Basin,
Calder and Hebble Canal,
Engine Type (last known)Beta 43hp
Berths2 + 2
Change over daySaturday
Are pets allowedYes
Is smoking allowed insideNo
Booking system
First come first served against 
weeks available at the time.
Priority for school holidaysNo

General Comments About the Boat

Kindred Spirit has a traditional rear deck with a wide hatch that allows for a little company for the helmsman and the ability to ascend the rear steps with a cup of Tea in either hand.

The engine is fully covered by a demountable timber rear deck which extends to 6 feet and could accommodate a couple of children sleeping on blow-up mattresses.

Moving forward there is a fixed double bed in the main cabin with storage drawers under, a bookshelf above the bed and a wardrobe positioned between the cabin and the engine room.

Moving forward again there is a walk-through bathroom with double shower, hand basin and Thetford cassette toilet.

Moving forward again there is the galley which has worktops both sides and is equipped with gas cooker & oven, microwave (powered by a 2.8KW Inverter), and 12V fridge. By lowering the worktops below the gun-whales and installing minimum widths it has been possible to create sufficient space for two persons to pass each other while working in the galley.

A Multi-Fuel stove just forward marks the front end of the galley and the beginning of the saloon area.

This area has the stove in one corner and three cupboards in the remaining three corners.

There are two folding chairs at either end of a double bed-settee which faces onto a wall-mounted smart TV and a gate-leg dining table.

The front doors of the saloon open out onto a spacious front deck where there is a hatch to the forward gas locker where the anchor and boat cleaning equipment is also kept.

Pictures of the boat

Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit
Shared narrow boat Kindred Spirit

Specific details for the share offered

Size of share as a percentage or fraction There are no shares advertised for sale on this boat on boatshare at present. This page is just a template for any potential advertiser to re-use To re-use it click here



If somebody advertises a share for sale elsewhere and just posts a link to this page for more information about their boat then that person may not be a legitimate owner. A person advertising here has invested £50 in their advert up-front and it is unlikely to be a scam.

Price in UK Pounds
Reason for selling
Pre-booked weeks included
Holiday entitlement with share offered here.
School holiday option possible?
Running costs for 2023

(How do these figures compare? 
Link opens new window)
How are the running costs to be apportionedN/A
Contact details for vendor

General comments by vendor

At the time of writing (January 2023) one-off bookings are available in April, May, June, July and August and regular annual bookings are available in April, May, and June. 

All Licences, Insurances and Maintenance Costs are to be borne by the Principal Shareholder, These costs will be met by the weekly booking fees paid by shareholders. As such it is intended to take sufficient bookings that will allow the scheme to operate on a not-for-profit basis.

For 2023 a weekly booking fee of £500.00 will entitle a shareholder to one available week April to Sept and one available week Oct to March free of charge if they remain in the Syndicate and book at least one week the following Summer.

Those wishing to leave the Syndicate should indicate this before the end of the Summer Season. They may only sell their shares back to the Principal Shareholder who will refund their share purchase price in full.

Retirement to France means that I will no longer need to keep Kindred Spirit as a permanent base in the UK. For sentimental reasons I would like to maintain access to the boat when I visit the UK and this scheme is intended to allow me to do that by allowing others to enjoy her while I am away. The Scheme is designed to generate sufficient income to ensure that she can be well maintained by local craftsmen and that she is not a financial burden to me in retirement.

There are no frills with this scheme it is open to those who have or wish to gain enough boating experience to look after the boat and keep her in as good a shape as we can.

Owners to bring own bedding etc.

The boat is insured by Collidge and Partners who only require me to advise details of new Shareholders when they join or leave the Syndicate. 

Both Collidge & Partners & The Licencing Section of the Canal & River Trust have reviewed my shared ownership contract and are happy that my exisiting insurance and licence are valid under these contracts. 
To Summerise (Comments By Boatshare): You buy in a £500 and can book, subject to availability, as many weeks as you wish at a usage charge of £500 per week on board. You are responsible for everything on the boat and leaving it at the mooring at Sowerby Bridge (unless otherwise agreed) in a clean and tidy condition ready for the next owner with tanks full of water and an empty toilet. 

All Licences, Insurance, Depreciation and Maintenance Costs will be borne by the Principal Shareholder. 

If you no longer wish to be an owner on the boat you advise the "Principal Shareholder" and your £500 will be refunded to you.

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