Boat Share | Jemima D

There Is A Narrow Boat 

Share For Sale On 

Jemima D

Shared narrow boat Jemima D

General information

Type of scheme There are no shares advertised for sale on this boat on boatshare at present. This page is just a template for any potential advertiser to re-use To re-use it click here



If somebody advertises a share for sale elsewhere and just posts a link to this page for more information about their boat then that person may not be a legitimate owner. A person advertising here has invested £50 in their advert up-front and it is unlikely to be a scam.

Nominal number of sharers
Year of build
Home mooring (2023)
Engine Type (last known)
Change over day
Are pets allowed
Is smoking allowed inside
Booking system
Priority for school holidaysNo such scheme on this boat

General Comments About the Boat

Open interior, with toilet at the front, then galley, then seating/dining area that converts into sleeping area

New baseplate 2023

Pictures of the boat

Shared narrow boat Jemima D
Shared narrow boat Jemima D
Shared narrow boat Jemima D
Shared narrow boat Jemima D
Shared narrow boat Jemima D
Shared narrow boat Jemima D

Specific details for the share offered

Size of share as a percentage or fraction12th
Price in UK Pounds£1,650
Reason for sellingChange of circumstances
Pre-booked weeks includedNone selected but plenty available 
Holiday entitlement with share offered here.Guaranteed two weeks per year, more as available.
School holiday option possible?No such scheme on this boat
Running costs for 2023

(How do these figures compare? 
Link opens new window)
Members pay £540 per year each irrespective 
of how much they use the boat, and additionally £50 
per week that they use the boat.
How are the running costs to be apportionedThe incoming owner would be asked to pay for the year as outlined above
assuming they use the boat for 2+ weeks.
Contact details for vendor

General comments by vendor

Jemima D is a 34ft, four (possibly five) berth, simple narrowboat with no frills (no shower). She has a permanent mooring in rural Staffordshire, but normally travels around the system during spring and summer, returning to her winter home in autumn.
We have members from across the country, from Brighton and Somerset, up to Middlesbrough.
Jemima is owned and run by a co-operative. What this means is that all members have an equal say in what happens in the co-op, and have to be willing to work together and to participate in decision making.
It also means that everyone has an equal responsibility for running the co-op and maintaining Jemima, within the limits of their skills, ability and circumstances.
There are a few particular roles, such as bookings coordinator, webmaster, treasurer and maintenance co-ordinator, that members may take on for a while and then pass on to other members.
Twice a year as many of us as possible meet up, bringing food to share, to socialise and discuss co-op business (but recently we have been meeting via Zoom). There is also an e-mail list and a WhatsApp group for discussions and messages. And you can find us on Facebook
The Jemima D Narrowboat Co-operative's Aims and Objectives are to own and use the boat co-operatively for members to have non-sexist, non-racist, non-ageist, non-etc, enjoyable holidays on the canals.
There are 12 shares, each costing the price as shown above (a one-off payment), plus annual subs, again as shown above, which cover regular maintenance, Canal & River Trust (CaRT) licences, mooring fees and insurance.
There is also a modest usage cost of £50 per week, or £10 per day, although any consumables bought while on board, such as gas, diesel, etc can be reclaimed from central funds.

The boat had a full survey in 2022 and a copy is available for anyone to read should they request it.

We have our own web site at

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