Before you write your advert to place your share for sale....

Selling a share in a shared Narrow boat or boat in France

Please read this page carefully

ALMOST ALL LINKS below are set to open new windows on your browser

A charge of £50 is made to place an advert.

An advert runs for 12 months or until a share is sold.

If you are selling a share in a sea-going boat or yacht see this page.

If you are selling a share in a boat where you employ the services of a management company or your boat is somewhat unusual then a discount for a two year advert is offered, see this page

If you are selling ANY high value or unusual item you could be targeted by people who may try and defraud you. Although unlikely to happen please cast your eye over this page just to acquaint yourself with some of the more common methods of perpetrating such a fraud, so at least you know what a "rat" might smell like!

Before you place your advert it is perhaps a good idea just to let you know the "rules and regulations" and also to help you maybe save time by re-using an advert that has been used before, meaning you can miss out on writing a lot of the boring stuff again. Please read on. 


Start by looking to see if there has been an advert placed before. Now, this web site was re-written in 2018 so there might be one on this version of the web site, or there might be one on the old version of the web site. If it is on the old version you can still ask me to re-use it and I will re-write it in the newer format.

So check HERE and look for your boat in the alphabetical list, against your boat is there a blue box in one of the columns? If so click on it and it will take you to a previous advert for your boat. There are previous adverts for MOST privately managed boats in shared ownership. (It the link show is in blue and to the old site that can still be cribbed from and I will update to the new format.)

If there is one for your boat I suggest you keep the page open on your PC as it might help you to refer to it now and again.

It does not matter if the "template" for your boat is presently being used by another owner for an advert - I will work out what to do.

Now, if there is an advert already and you are happy with the contents it should take you a little under ten minutes to write your advert, if not it might take as long as 30 minutes by the time you have sent over your pictures. So allow some time, AND you are best off to do this on a PC or Laptop I suspect....but will leave that up to you!

If there is no previous advert then there are three "wordy" sections you will be asked to write, you might like to prepare these on your word processing software first and cut and paste them in (To copy highlight the text and use CTRL + C and to paste you will have to use CTRL + V (CMD + C/V on a Mac)).

 I strongly advise you to type these sections on your PC and save them there before popping them in the form.

The three sections are a "walk through" of your boat, the boat "booking system" and your "experience" of having your share. Why not have a look at some existing adverts before you start to get a flavour for what you might have to write? You can do that HERE.

I cannot stress enough that picking up a previous advert and fine tuning it is by far the best way to place your share for sale 
but you cannot place an advert by e-mail - you MUST use the forms to let me have all the information I need.

Now:- A few "rules"

Once placed the e-mail address on it (or phone number) cannot be changed.

The pre-booked weeks shown can only be altered by way of adding weeks/dates for a subsequent year.

All communication regarding your advert MUST come from the same e-mail address as the one it was placed from.

If you are selling more than one share, or a large share you might also split (say 1/6th or split 2 x 12th) or you are in a fixed week scheme read this page as it sents out some quite strict rules that apply for such adverts. 

As a general rule I do not allow comparisons to other boats/shares and "patronising" or "emotional" comments. e.g. "Why hire when this is only...." "This boat stands out as the best shared craft....." etc. 

I will edit, move around or omit any comments I deem as "unsuitable" or in the wrong section and will have final say on any wording.

Your price is the price. I do not place comments up like O.N.O or "Open to Offers" etc. You CAN change your price on the advert later should you wish, you do this by e-mailing me as I personally write (and edit) your advert.

You are buying an advert, not a product. Once your advert is written no refunds are offered for any reason. 

Fundamentally ALL adverts should be broadly the same allowing each share an equal opportunity to sell. 

If your boat is in a managed scheme then you should not name them in any comments or make mention of their services.

An advert costs £50 for 12 months or £75 for 24 months. Your advert will be removed once it expires or once your share is sold. 

If you are selling a share and elect to split it in some way (say it is a 1/6th and you elect to split to 2 x 12th's) then a sale of any part of it is deemed a sale and a further fee is payable to alter the advert in any way. 

Where the advert is being placed by a management company on behalf of their vendor slight variations to the above rules may apply

Getting ready to start your advert

You are asked to work through a series of four forms and a final page about adding pictures and paying for your advert, where one is about you, name address etc., one is about your boat where, if an advert exists already you can skip most of it, one is specific to your share and a final one is about the "legal" stuff, sending me any notes you want and tells you about adding pictures and...the most important thing of all, the final page (mentioned above) is about paying for it! 

Each form, after you hit submit, just sends me an e-mail of the content. I then extract what you have written for your advert.

Please note I CONSTRUCT YOUR ADVERT not you, you just send me information. I construct the final copy, normally within a day or so, you are then asked to approve it. If there is something is your advert that "looks wrong" I might point this out to you but ultimately you are responsible for the accuracy of the content. 

Your advert can have a maximum of 11 pictures. You must own copyright to any you send in and part of the terms is that you pass such copyright over to me. You do not have to send pictures and I can just use the existing ones in an old advert if one exists. If you do not have any pictures do not worry, I have access to pictures of most shared boats.

If you are in a managed scheme do not lift images off their web site and pass them off to me as ones you own. Just tell me to go and lift some from them, I have a good relationship with them all.

If you want to change your advert at all then this can be done by e-mailing me, but only from the e-mail address in the advert itself. 

To change anything the best way is to send me the whole section again rather than saying "Can you please note the boat no longer has a corner bath" or whatever. Send me the words that are "wrong" and the exact words you want to replace them with, paragraph by paragraph please.

Be prepared - you will need the following information

You will need to know your monthly running costs

You will need to know the pre-booked weeks you have got with your share 

You will need to know your asking price (!)

(Terms such as "offers" or "O.N.O." are NOT used in the adverts).

Our Mailing List

I suggest you join our mailing list, then if nothing else you can see what I write about your share! It also will keep you abreast of what other shares are for sale and the prices being asked etc., you never know you might want to fine tune your advert.

Included in the price is one mail-shot around the mailing list normally about two weeks after your advert is placed. This does not form part of your contract and is offered as a goodwill gesture only (mainly becuase we use a 3rd party mailing agent and their services may not be offered "forever").

Join our mailing list from the page linked below

If you Lose your way around the forms or have a PC crash etc.

Then worry not, I will probably have what you have sent in to date, 

Just return here and then go to this page and that will help you get back on track!

Please do not keep sending in the same form time and time again.

If you forget something or think you should have changed something this can be done from the draft of the advert I will ask you to approve.


IMPORTANT: Have open THIS (Click here) PAGE while working through the forms as on it is a list of hints and FAQS that might speed up your filling out the answer to each question, so if you are not sure what you can write then a quick glance on that page linked might save you having to ask me.

Now, deep breath, and hit the yellow button just below.

Contact Boat Share.

Best bet is e-mail - and to get 
the address, or our phone number 
first go to the FAQ page

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Boat Share FAQ
A FAQ page is here 

Boatshare Copyright

Everything has copyright  on it on this web site. If you send pictures over to me for any reason at all it is assumed that you own copyright to them and you also pass such copyright over to boatshare. * 2