Boatshare Customer Testimonials 2022

Boatshare share Sales 2022

January 2022: I'm very pleased to say that our 1/20th share of XXXX XXXXX has been sold. There were another 3 couples who had expressed interest in seeing the boat, so even without the mailshot the listing on Boatshare was successful. Thanks again.

January 2022: Delighted to advise that I sold the share in XXXXX today (at the full asking price) as a direct consequence of your mailshot
I had 5 responses on Sunday and Monday to the advert and the mailshot. The new owner would have bought sight-unseen they were that keen! But I insisted I had to meet them and they needed to see the boat. This we did this morning. Many thanks for your invaluable service

March 2022: I have finally managed to sell my share. Thank you for your input and advise. I will certainly recommend your site to the secretary of the XXXXXXXX.

March 2022: Philip - FYI - the XXX share has sold at asking price. Thx for your help...sold as a result of your ad.

March 2022: This is to confirm that my shares are now sold, so would you please remove the advert forthwith and many thanks for your excellent service

May 2022: Can you delete my ad please as the share has sold. The share was sold as a result of advertising with you.  I had over 10 enquiries and it was sold within 72 hours.

May 2022: I’m pleased to inform you that your mail shot/advert has produced an offer, and that we should conclude the sale by Friday
6th May. I guess we leave it live till then, but thanks for your help in ensuring a very quick sale, after being on XXXXXXX's sales books for 8 months!

May 2022: XXXXX is now sold - a friend of a friend read the advert yesterday - thought about it overnight and bought it this morning. He said the advert told him everything he wanted to know and more. Another person emailed at eleven o’clock last night to express an interest so your site works well. No mail shot needed.

May 2022: Just to update you that my share in XXXX is now sold. Someone came in from your email list and got a good deal at the flash crash price of £XXXX for a quick sale. You may remove the advertisement from your web site now. Thanks for your help.

May 2022: I have now sold the shares on XXXXX. You can take the ad down now. Thanks for your help........It was from the advert on your site. FYI I had one other enquiry also but sold to the first enquiry.

May 2022: Just to let you know that my share in XXXX has now sold. Thank you very much for your valued assistance.

June 2022: Oasis Too - Confirmation never came back 99% certain their boatshare advert sold it.

June 2022: I have sold my share in XXXX so please remove the advert. I have just heard from the buyer, it was "Boatshare" that made the connection so many thanks. 

June 2022: Our XXXX share sale has completed. So Ok to take advert down from the page. Many thanks, as the advert attracted a sale in less than a week, a great result.  

July 2022: We've sold the share in XXXXX which we advertised last month thanks to your ad. Could you now please remove the share sale ad. Many thanks

July 2022: Please note that the XXXXXX share is sold. Thanks very much.....the share was sold following your involvement.

July 2022: Very pleased to say that my share in Narrowboat "XXXXX" has been sold. The first day the ad was live I received four enquiries and one more the following day. Many thanks for your highly efficient and worthwhile facilities.

July 2022;  I’m happy to report that my share in XXXXX has now been sold. Thank you for your assistance.

July 2022: I am happy to say my share has sold and the money paid. Thank you for a great service.

July 2022: Good evening Philip I couldn’t believe it but after your mail shot I had eight enquiries, I made arrangements for the first to view but then got a call from a woman saying she would buy it without viewing, straight away. As tempting as it was I didn’t take her money and as expected the first guy bought it. Thanks for the amazing service.

July 2022: We have now taken a deposit on the sale of our share in XXXXX, please can you take the advert down.....the purchaser contacted me via the advert on

August 2022: I can confirm that the sale of XXXX share was a result of our buyers seeing the advert on the Boatshare website

August 2022: Thank you for your amazing Boatshare web site. I am happy to tell you that the share is now sold so you can take the advert down. I had the first call within minutes of the advert going live, and then sold the share this evening to someone else who called later. Thanks again, I really can't praise you and your service enough.

August 2022:  I'm pleased to say that our share in XXXXX has now sold, so if you could take the advert down please? Many thanks, it was sold through your website!

August 2022 I have now sold my XXXX share and would be please if you could take the ad down. Thanks for your help.....the sale was a result of the ad with you, in fact that was the only place I advertised. 

August 2022: Pleased to say that the share in XXXXX has been sold, so there's no need to send it out on a mailshot!  Thanks for your help with this!

August 2022: I have just received final payment for our ‘XXXXX’ share......We got an inquiry the day after the ad went up! The lad was actively looking and it was a good deal, so they struck while the iron was hot.

August 2022: I am pleased to tell you that I have agreed the sale of our share in XXXX.  The sale was a result of a lady regularly monitoring your website looking and waiting for the 'right boat'.

August 2022: The share in XXXX has been sold.....we actually (had) 4 x enquiries, 3 x viewings and a sale through your site.

August 2022: I am pleased to inform you that XXXX has successfully sold....The sale was directly from your website - thanks!

August 2022: Pleased to report that after a slow start and several time wasters, the share in XXXX has now sold - and as a result of the advert. Thanks for your assistance.

August 2022:  We have completed the sale of our boat share on XXXX. Our buyers said they saw the advert on your site. Please remove our advert. With thanks.

September 2022: Please remove our advert for XXXX from the Boatshare site. Thanks to your site, we have sold our share.

September 2022: Your advert did the trick and we have sold our share of XXXXX. Could you please remove it from the site.
Thanks for all your help towards a very speedy sale.

September 2022: My share in xxxxx has now been sold. Please remove xxxxxx from the Boatshare website. All the interest in the share was via the Boatshare website. I had 6 leads via your website, one of which resulted in the sale of the share.
October 2022: Just to let you know the sale of our share of XXXXX has now completed. The purchaser did find our boat on your website. 
Thank you for your assistance.

November2022 : Commercial scheme share sold (BS)

November 2022: Just to let you know that we complete the sale of our E share today. The remaining share is due to complete next week when they send the money. I will keep you posted. Thank you so much.

November 2022: Share A has now sold. That’s 3 out of 3...... Thank you so much for your help and guidance, we will definitely recommend using Boatshare to anyone looking to buy or sell a share in the future.

November 2022: My share in Solace has now officially sold. Please remove the advertisement. / Came through your mailshot. /Thank you for all your help.

November 2022: My sale has gone through.....sold by advert on your site.  Had two people wanting it but sold to first contact. 

December 2022: I can now confirm boatshare for XXXX has now been sold and advert can be taken down. It was the first  enquiry received on day after you listed the advert. 

44 shares sold so far in 2022. 

see more Boatshare testimonials

You can see testimonials from 2021 here and 2020 here.
NB Padworth