Hints on how to answer each section
Hits on advertising your boat share for sale
Before you start can I just say these forms in parts, especially if there is not an existing advert, are quite long and can be wordy if you are having to start from scratch. You are strongly advised to use a PC or laptop and NOT something slow to type on like a phone or tablet.
If the space on the form is not large enough just make mention that the words will follow and I will get back to you.
If you complete a form and do not get moved to the next one as you should or something else goes wrong below are links to the five pages, so you can try and pick up from where you left off.
A few Hints on Each Question you are asked to answer.
Q1. Boat name:- Obvious really, but you are asked to pop this in each form as you go just in case two adverts come in at once!
Q2. E-Mail Address: You have to have one! Pop it in here, get it wrong and I cannot get back to you, This e-mail address WILL appear in your advert. You CANNOT change it for the duration of your advert.
Q3. Your full name, this does NOT appear on the advert
Q2. E-Mail Address: You have to have one! Pop it in here, get it wrong and I cannot get back to you, This e-mail address WILL appear in your advert. You CANNOT change it for the duration of your advert.
Q3. Your full name, this does NOT appear on the advert
Q4. Your full address please INCLUDING post code, this does not appear on the advert
Q5 Telephone number. I need a number for you, you are then asked if you want this to appear on the advert so that is optional
Q5 Telephone number. I need a number for you, you are then asked if you want this to appear on the advert so that is optional
Q6 You have the option of having your number shown on your advert or not.
Q7. Mooring Location: State name and address of marina with postcode. Some boats change crew all summer away from "base", if your boat is one like this then write how such arrangements work for your boat. DO NOT state anything emotional like lovely view, own pontoon etc. Just stick to address type facts please.
FORM TWO - some of this stuff is VERY important
A note about cutting and pasting:
If you want to copy what is on an existing advert and maybe change bits of it it is not possible to do a right click and copy what is there, instead you will have to highlight the text and copy it using your keyboard (Hold down CTRL and press C) then paste elsewhere using CTRL and V (CMD for these on a Mac).
You do NOT need to copy sections over unless you want to change them a bit, if they are fine as they are leave them and I will just re-use it. If you change main sections start your input with the word NEW.
Please remember if there is an existing advert and you are happy with it you only need to answer questions one two and three.
Q2. Please select the option that suits regarding a previous advert. If you don't like what is there just pop in what you want instead in the questions below. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE IT OVER WORD FOR WORD - there is no point!
Q3. Mooring Location: This question has been moved to form one.
If there is already an advert and the contents are OK then you can move straight to form three at this point
Q4. Is your boat run by the owners, or do you employ the services of a management company, please select.
Q5 If managed state by whom BUT THIS DOES NOT GO IN TO THE ADVERT
Q5 If managed state by whom BUT THIS DOES NOT GO IN TO THE ADVERT
Q6 Most shared craft have 12 nominal owners (1/12ths) or 12.5 (8% x 12 + 4% x 1) State here if yours is a 12 owner (or whatever) boat If it is nominally 12 but one owner has 3 shares that does NOT make is a 10 owner boat!
Q7 Year of construction. If not know state year and APPX and I will look further in to it for you.
Q8 Length. Please state in FEET
Q8 Length. Please state in FEET
Q9 Beam. Only if your boat is NOT a narrow boat.
Q10 Engine. If you know what engine is fitted please state make/model etc. and if it is not the engine the boat first had if known state the year it was changed.
Q11 Builder. If known, most boats have steel by X and fit out by Y. If not known do not worry.
Q12 Sleeping berths. Most boats have ONE fixed double and a dinette that converts and maybe chairs that convert. If this sounds like yours then you should say "2 + 4". The first number should only state those beds that are NOT used as chairs during the day.
Q13 If you boat is NOT a narrow boat use this box to tell me more about it, if it is a narrow boat just go to the next question
Q14 Change over day each week: This is that day you hand the boat over to the next crew
Q14 Change over day each week: This is that day you hand the boat over to the next crew
Q15 Pet Free? Some groups have an agreement where pets (usually dogs) are not allowed on the boat. Please state if this applies in your case.
Q16 Smoking: Some boats have a rule that smoking is not allowed, some boats have owners who smoke inside and some boats don't actually have a rule one way or the other but actually nobody smokes in the boat anyway. Please answer as appropriate for your boat.
Q17 Bookings. IT IS IMPORTANT TO GET THIS BIT RIGHT! How the bookings are arranged is one thing a potential owner certainly looks at. If your boat is a former OwnerShips craft then THIS PREVIOUS ADVERT was well written and you might be able to just cut and paste this in. Please take a little time to get this right. This box should contain details for your BOAT and not be in any way specific to your SHARE. I did suggest this section be pre-prepared on your word processing program in case my web site should crash while you are writing it.
Q16 Smoking: Some boats have a rule that smoking is not allowed, some boats have owners who smoke inside and some boats don't actually have a rule one way or the other but actually nobody smokes in the boat anyway. Please answer as appropriate for your boat.
Q17 Bookings. IT IS IMPORTANT TO GET THIS BIT RIGHT! How the bookings are arranged is one thing a potential owner certainly looks at. If your boat is a former OwnerShips craft then THIS PREVIOUS ADVERT was well written and you might be able to just cut and paste this in. Please take a little time to get this right. This box should contain details for your BOAT and not be in any way specific to your SHARE. I did suggest this section be pre-prepared on your word processing program in case my web site should crash while you are writing it.
Q18 School Holidays: Some schemes have a special arrangement in place so owners needing them have priority to get school holidays. If this applies on your boat please explain how it is done ON YOUR BOAT and NOT specific to your share. PLEASE NOTE: There MUST be a specific system in place to say school holiday options are possible. Comments like "mutual exchange" or "try to accommodate" etc. are NOT a specific system, and will be ignored.
Q19 Adding a video. If you have a video of the boat (maybe the interior) you want to have included in your advert say so in this box and I will get back to you for details. This needs to be OF THE BOAT, not just some nice shots that happen to have the boat in them.
Q20. A walk through the boat. You are actually advised to have pre-prepared this section on your word processing software just in case my web site crashes whilst you are writing this long section.
Q20. A walk through the boat. You are actually advised to have pre-prepared this section on your word processing software just in case my web site crashes whilst you are writing this long section.
SUBMIT BUTTON. Click on the blue button to send your information in and be taken to the next page.
FORM THREE - About YOUR Share for sale
Q2. Shareholding: Are you selling 1/12th 1/3rd or 8% or what. State here. If you are selling say 1/6th but would consider splitting your share in to 2 x 12ths (by example) then you should see THIS PAGE (opens new window) at this point to see how word your advert.
Q3 Holiday ENTITLEMENT each year. State here what weeks you can choose each year.
By example: I get three weeks, a maximum of two in the "High Season" then one pre-booked "Low Season" plus another week is possible per the booking system. Or I get one week in each season from the annual draw, I can then try to exchange mine with other owners if they may not suit me.
By example: I get three weeks, a maximum of two in the "High Season" then one pre-booked "Low Season" plus another week is possible per the booking system. Or I get one week in each season from the annual draw, I can then try to exchange mine with other owners if they may not suit me.
Q4 Price. How much do you want for your share? I do not allow comments like "Offers" or O.N.O etc., just name your price, in £ sterling
Q5 Pre book weeks included. CARE, ONCE THE ADVERT GOES LIVE YOUR CANNOT CHANGE THESE. State here what weeks a person who buys your share will get to use. Only state confirmed bookings. (You can also state weeks that have elapsed this year if you wish to give a potential buyer a "flavour" for what is a normal year).
Q6 Reason for selling. Please say something and try and be truthful and specific, it adds human interest. If you cannot stand your fellow owners however, maybe make something up!
Q7 School holiday options. If your share is not a school holiday share or there is no such scheme for school week priority on your boat then please pick the appropriate answer, or if your share IS a school holiday share, again select. Where it gets interesting is if the agreement in place for the owners says a maximum of three owners have the option to have school holiday priority but actually only two have taken it on. This means a share can be "upgraded" going forward, again select this appropriate box.
Q8 Annual running costs. State here how much you pay each month or year for your running costs, and if in a managed scheme this should INCLUDE the management figure. This figure should be your ACTUAL cost for this year, if the sum is not available for the coming year just now state the figure for LAST year and indicate how much you can EXPECT it to be going forward to this.
Q8A Apportionment of running costs. This could be complicated and about the hardest question you have to answer to place your advert. If you want guidance there is a separate page about this here you need to read (link opens new window).
Q9 General comments: This is where you can wax lyrical about your boat and scheme. Don't go mad, but you can say things about say your annual meeting (where, when etc.) where you have been boating over the years and where the boat has been moored in the past, might go in the future and mention some practical things about the scheme and the boat. Do NOT make reference to any other boats or schemes or cost against hiring etc. Nothing emotional or patronising please.
SUBMIT BUTTON. Click on the blue button to send your information in and be taken to the next page.
FORM FOUR - The Legal stuff and some stuff about pictures
Q2. Please confirm you have read all the "rules" and you understand them.
Q3 Message to boatshare. Use this box to pass over any comments you might have about your advert. E.G. "Don't put it live for two weeks" "I don't like the picture inside the boat with the dog on the table" "I am sending you some pictures, please remove the top two and use mine" etc.
Q4 Pictures: Are you going to send me any pictures? Just let me know so I know to look out for them before the advert goes live.
SUBMIT BUTTON. Click on the blue button to send your information in and be taken to the next page.